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The Premier Group Purchasing Organization

The Premier Group Purchasing Organization

The Premier Group Purchasing Organization

The Premier Group Purchasing Organization

Spend Management Made Simple

Do you have everything you need to effectively manage your spend? As a business, finding the right products and services for rates that reinforce your strategic bottom line can be an ongoing challenge. At HPC, we’re a leading group purchasing organization focused on bringing together a dynamic group of businesses and organizations to secure the best prices on all the products and services you need to maintain the performance and quality of your operations. Partner with industry experts that will work closely with you to understand your unique supply chain needs. Become a member today.

Business people in the office

Your Dedicated Supply Chain Resource

HPC is proud to leverage our collective purchasing power to transform the supply procurement process in healthcare, hospitality, construction, and business. We have established valuable partnerships with some of the nation’s elite suppliers, manufacturers, and service providers to offer exclusive discounts and significant savings on a complete array of specialized, top-quality products and services.

We’re also delighted to provide our members with additional services such as automated purchasing, personalized accounting, and real-time analytics designed to identify improvement opportunities, reduce operational costs, and streamline the logistics of your entire supply chain. Discover the HPC advantage and join our network today.

High-Quality Food Services

When it comes to making sure you have all the right ingredients and produce you need for your business, it is vital that you have a reliable supplier that offers what you need at an affordable price. Our team specializes in giving you access to all the food supplies you need at a cost-effective price. When you become part of our food service program, you won’t have to worry about spending too much on the ingredients you use. We will evaluate your menus to target seasonal foods and provide you with local, fresh dairy products and produce. From grab-and-go programs to meeting target costs, our team has what you and your business need.

group of business people at meeting

Proudly Sponsored by Premier

HPC is proud to be a National Purchasing Program sponsored by Premier. Through one of the largest and most comprehensive databases of actionable data, Premier is leading the charge with in-depth industry expertise, effective clinical practices, and efficiency improvement strategies that impact real-world results and maximize the key resources needed by our valued members. The mission at Premier is simple – to help our members achieve more with less by offering the highest quality products and services at the most competitive rates.
Premier’s network of partnerships specializes in the healthcare industry, hospitality, universities, and small businesses. Learn more about how the combined buying power of Premier and HPC can strengthen your company’s bottom line today!

Get In Touch With Us Today


7505 Metro Blvd, Suite #100
Edina, MN 55439


Hours of Operation
Monday – Friday: 08:00 AM – 04:30 PM